The Causes of Autism


TAutism - here are lots of theories concerning the reason for Autism Spectrum Disorder, but currently none which have been proved to be the sole induce to promote abnormalities in brain development (with one exception " the rare disorder called Rett's Syndrome has been confirmed being the effect of a specific genetic mutation).

TAutism - he most typical theory supposes that there is no cause of ASD, but instead a combination of things that co-occur to create complex neurological disorders. Although not everyone agrees and there's turbulent controversy with this topic. Some individuals are deeply passionate in their assertion that certain particular factor such as lead and mercury poisoning or preservatives in vaccines are the reason ASD is booming faster than every other mental disorder among children.

While genetics doesn't take into account all cases of autism, it is certainly a factor. Research indicates that folks who have ASD and have family members with ASD are much more prone to have kids with ASD, of course, if two parents have one child with ASD the probability of the same couple having another child with ASD increases dramatically. Also, various numerous studies have identified non-inherited or �spontaneous' genetic mutations present in certain youngsters with ASD.

Prenatal Environment
Since genetics cannot account for every case of ASD, it's commonly assumed that environmental causes may ultimately take into account the rest of the cases. Central among these is prenatal environment, which can affect a pregnancy through the critical first eight weeks of conception. Included in this are:

*Teratogens - Environmental agents recognized to cause birth defects. Examples are thalidomide, valproic acid or misoprostol; or rubella infection in the mother.
*Pesticides - There are cases of autism in children conceived near farm fields that use organochlorine pesticides such as dicofol and endosulfan. A relatively few cases when kids with ASD may be shown to are already conceived under these conditions and a small control population to compare against make further studies connecting pesticides with autism challenging.
*Folic Acid - An untested hypothesis proposes that Folate might play a role in autism because of its modulation of gene expression through epigenetic mechanism.
*Fetal Testosterone - One project has published several reports suggesting that prime degrees of fetal testosterone could produce behaviors relevant to those noticed in autism. This remains a controversial theory.
*Ultrasound - A study conducted in the year 2006 demonstrated that sustained exposure of mouse embryos to ultrasound waves caused a little but statistically significant quantity of neurons to neglect to acquire their proper position during neuronal migration.

Perinatal Environment
A 2007 report on risks found associated obstetric issues that included low birth weight and gestation duration, and hypoxia during childbirth.

Postnatal Environment
MMR Vaccine Body of the most controversial hypothesized causes of autism. A �study� conducted by Wakefield and 12 others linked technique vaccine in infants with ASD. The whole study was later discovered to get been fraudulently altered by Wakefield so that you can support his claims. Recent surveys have verified this theory like a fallacy understanding that there is no link between MMR vaccine and ASD.

Leaky Gut Syndrome - The controversial Wakefield et al. vaccine paper also suggested that some bowel disorders may allow antigens to pass from food to the bloodstream and then to contribute to brain dysfunction.

Viral Infection - Viruses have long been suspected as triggers for immune-mediated diseases including ms but showing a direct role for viral causation is hard in those diseases, and mechanisms whereby infections may lead to autism are speculative.

Oxidative Stress - This theory hypothesizes that toxicity and oxidative stress may cause autism in some instances by damaging Purkinje cells within the cerebellum after birth. It's been suggested that glutathione is involved.

Amygdala Neurons - It's theorized how the amygdala's involvement in social knowledge and social cognition as well as the deficits within this network are instrumental in causing autism.

Vitamin D - This theory just isn't supported by study. It's hypothesizes that autism is due to vitamin D deficiency, which recent increases in diagnosed instances of autism are caused by medical health advice to prevent the sun.

Lead - Lead poisoning continues to be suggested just as one risk factor for autism, since the lead blood amounts of autistic children continues to be stated to be significantly elevated.

Mercury - This theory hypothesizes that autism is assigned to mercury poisoning, according to some similarity of symptoms

Other Disproved Theories
-Other Psychogenic Theories
-Television Watching
-Refrigerator Mothers - A theory that was popular during the 60's, it absolutely was theorized that cold mother's bad parenting skills caused trauma to the child, which caused autism. It was later disproved by Leo Kanner, exactly the same person who identified autism.